In this week's blog we look at some of the mysteries that are Bangkok.
Mystery #1: What you can do with a motorbike. The first photo must be the garbage collector. The second shows man with his shop. The third is just amazing - don't know how this guy can see where he is going on Bangkok's busiest street.
Mystery #2 Why the motorbike driver must wear a helmet but your children don't need to. The police are very tough on drivers not wearing helmets but apparently the kids are ok.
Mystery #3 How the electricity works with the mass of wires running overhead. The street sellers seem to be able to tap into the wires as well to power their businesses.
Mystery #4 How such a conservative society has places like Soi Cowboy. This is one of the girly bar areas that Bangkok is infamous for, although in the day it is quiet.
Mystery #5 How one city can have so many 7-Eleven stores. There is one at the end of my soi which is very handy and another 2 minutes further along the road. I have actually seen two 7-Eleven stores with only one shop between them. I would pass 100 (no kidding) on the trip from home to school.
Mystery #8 How construction never stops even though so many people have been scared away from Bangkok after the demonstrations.
Mystery #9 Why there are so many phone boxes when even the most poor Thai has a fancy mobile phone. I have actually never seen anybody in a phone box in Thailand.
Just loved this blog John. It has really made me chuckle, in particular the phone booths